
Coronavirus Update: Rumor Busting, News You can Use

The Beijingers theBeijinger 2020-02-06

Throughout the CNY holiday, we will be updating our blog several times daily to give you the most up-to-date information on the number of coronavirus cases in Beijing and China and other Beijing-centric news we find. Here are a few of the latest updates:

[Last updated: Saturday Jan 25, 6.56pm]

  • (1/25, 5.09pm) Beijing Subway Starts Temperature Checks: Don't take the subway if you've got a fever. 35 stations on the Beijing Subway network have started temperature checks on inbound passengers as of yesterday, The Beijing News (bjnews.com.cn) reports. Passengers with fevers will not be allowed into the station and subway staff have been instructed to report the incident and call an abulance to transport the person to a nearby hospital with a fever clinic. A full list of stations where temperature checks have  been set up:  Fuxingmen 复兴门, Xidan 西单, Tiananmen West 天安门西, Tiananmen East 天安门东, Wangfujing 王府井, Dongdan 东单, Jianguomen 建国门, Qianmen 前门, Beijing West Railway Station 北京西站, Beijing Railway Station 北京站, Qinghe 清河, Xizhimen 西直门, T2 and T3 on the Capital Airport Express, Liulitun 六里屯, Sihui 四惠, Songjiazhuang 宋家庄, Dongzhimen 东直门, Dawang Lu 大望路, Wukesong 五棵松, Guomao 国贸, Jishuitan 积水潭, Fuchengmen 阜成门, Tiantongyuan North 天通苑北, Tiantongyuan 天通苑, Qingnian Lu 青年路, Dongdaqiao 东大桥, Chaoyangmen 朝阳门, Sanyuanqiao 三元桥, Liangmaqiao 亮马桥, Suzhou Jie 苏州街, Tuanjiehu 团结湖, Huoying 霍营, and Xi'erqi 西二旗. Commuters say that other stations are also being monitored.

  • (1/25, 4.15pm) Rumor Busted: Beijing NOT Being Sprayed by Planes: A cockamamie rumor spread via (you guessed it) WeChat saying that all citizens of Beijing should run inside at 4pm today because planes were going to spray has turned out to be baloney. So far similar rumors have been busted in Zhengzhou, Wuhan and Xi'an.

  • (1/25, 4.02pm) Rumor Busted: Roads In and Out of Beijing NOT shut: Rumors were flying this afternoon that highways in and out of Beijing were being blocked off and motorists were being denied entry/exit. The rumors are utter hogwash at this point, with The Beijing News talking directly to traffic officials who said: it's a rumor.

For more updates and to find the latest information, access our live blog by clicking on "Read more" at the bottom of this post, or by following the instructions in the poster below.

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